Hi Everyone,
We are late to the party but excited to contribute a validator.
We have a track record in HPC, cloud and Dev-Ops and experience running masternodes and classic POS nodes.
We would like to contribute a validator but we were not part of the ICO and don’t have any atom.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to launch a validator without some self bonded atoms?
I’m very interested to share my notes on cloud sentinel strategies.
I have a full node running but I’m stuck on the step of registering my validator. Since my wallet is empty, I can’t launch create-validator
sub-command. I tried it with zero self bonded stake and it chokes. Here is the command:
`gaiacli tx staking create-validator --amount=0uatom --pubkey=$(gaiad tendermint show-validator) --moniker="FreeRange" --chain-id=cosmoshub-1 --commission-rate="0.10" --commission-max-rate="0.20" --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" --min-self-delegation="1" --gas="auto" --gas-prices="0.025uatom" --from=(REDACTED) --ledger`
I get this error:
ERROR: {"codespace":"sdk","code":9,"message":"account cosmos1(REDACTED) does not exist"}
Any suggestions on how we can register a validator when we don’t have any atom?