Lots has been happening in Cosmos Hub governance! We’re posting monthly summaries of the latest governance discussions, as well as highlighting proposals that have been up for consideration on the Cosmos Hub.
This work is happening as part of our forum activation work, which we scoped in Proposal #63 (view in block explorer, see forum discussion).
We’d love to get feedback so let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see in these updates.
Upcoming proposals
Bringing Contract Consumer Chains to the Cosmos Hub
See forum discussion.
This draft proposal requests 150k ATOM meant to fund up to three future CosmWasm projects intending to launch as contract consumer chains using the Hub’s validator set via Interchain Security. Funds will be managed by a (¾) multisig committee of Jelena (Informal Systems), Jack (StrangeLove Ventures), Zaki (Iqlusion), and David (Galileo Group).
Gaia v8-Rho Upgrade
See forum discussion.
v8-Rho is expected to be released this quarter and focuses on public goods offerings on the Hub including updates to the gov module and the introduction of the groups module, which will allow a wider variety of multisig and DAO behaviour. This is the first of three software upgrade posts intended to encourage discussion of the roadmap as it develops.
Gaia v9-Lambda Upgrade
See forum discussion.
v9-Lambda is expected in Q3 and will focus on interchain security.
Gaia v10-Epsilon Upgrade
See forum discussion.
v10-Epsilon is expected in Q4 and will focus on the ATOM monetary policy.
On-Chain and Closed Proposals
Recover EVMOS channel by upgrading to new client
View in block explorer, see forum discussion.
Proposal #71 is a second attempt at upgrading the EVMOS client and passed on June 4. This time the update executed successfully and the EVMOS channel has been restored.
Recover EVMOS channel by upgrading to new client
View in block explorer.
Proposal #70 was approved last month but did not take effect despite reaching quorum and having 97% of participating voting power in favour of ‘Yes’. During the proposal period the Evmos client was not kept alive and so when the vote ended the expected update did not go through.
Include CosmWasm in Rho Upgrade
View in block explorer, see forum discussion.
Proposal #69 was rejected after much community debate on the forum and on Twitter. CosmWasm will not be added to the Hub in the upcoming v8-Rho upgrade and the draft proposal for Rho is now live on the forum - join in and share your thoughts on the ‘public goods’ upgrade!
Governance meta
Software upgrade proposal process
There are three posts on the forum dedicated to discussion of future software upgrades and the Gaia roadmap as a whole. It’s a great step for governance to have open discussion on the roadmap in a single place where core contributors and community members can raise issues and talk about the future of the Hub.
Cosmos Telegram bot
In the last few months the @cosmos_gov_bot has been developed for Telegram by Raphael (@Rapha90 on Twitter). As part of ongoing governance activation work following Proposal #63 this bot now supports last-call proposals! Automated notifications can now be set up for posts on the Cosmos Hub Forum that use the last-call tag as a way of encouraging participation and feedback prior to a proposal hitting the chain.
Validator platforms
Part of the work scoped in Proposal #63 was the use of validator profiles on the forum to let validators connect with delegators and show off their involvement in governance and community work. The Validator Profiles category is now active on the forum and ready for validators to answer some questions and represent themselves!
Proposal #70 Recover EVMOS channel by upgrading to new client
This proposal hit quorum and passed but was not enacted due to the client not being alive at the time of passing. As of the time of writing, there is no information in the easily accessible block explorers about the proposal’s failure. Using the Datahub offered by Figment and querying the Hub’s historical data we found that turnout for this proposal was 48.83% with 97.43% YES, 2.34% ABSTAIN, 0.21% NO, and 0.02% NOWITHVETO.