Run Cosmos with Docker 2 cmd (no need Install Cosmos)

Ahoy, I hope you are doing a good Validatorian Job. This is for even do it better.


Ok, let’s run Cosmos in two commands with docker. If the server has ready the Docker and Goland just start here. =


docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad init --name VALIDATORIAN-NAME

#Lets add the seed and the persistent peer for Sync gaia-8001

cd .gaiad/data

#If -bash: cd: data: Permission denied =

sudo chown user:group data

#Remove default genesis file and down the good for gaia-8001. (today)

rm genesis.json

Download the Good genesis.json

wget -c ' '

#Add seed nodes and persistent peers to config.toml and verify your Validatorian name is ok.

vi config.toml
seeds = ",,,"


docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad start

#Ok here is running the Cosmos Gaia-8001, Salut!

#If need install docker :wink: Start here.

#Install Docker

 sudo apt-get update
 curl -fsSL -o

Add your user to Docker Group

 sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

Now that Goland and Docker is installed, just run Cosmos-Docker

docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad init --name VALIDATORIAN-NAME
cd .gaiad/data

#If -bash: cd: data: Permission denied = sudo chown user:group data

#Add seed nodes and persistent peers to config.toml and verify your Validatorian name is ok.

vi config.toml
docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad start

#for close gaia


#for run in Detached mode

docker run -it -d -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad start

#For stop the gaia in detached mode

docker container ls
docker stop (CONTAINER ID from meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024)

Here one Back up file and instructions for sync the block +900k

Enjoy, more docker cmd comings later

:slight_smile: post under constructions but verify for now is working ok. just need to add more cmd.
cheers :hugs:

I just write another post for run the official repo from Cosmos unless my unoficcial repo. :wink:
Trust but verify.

Another Docker post


wow …good thank you

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