[PROPOSAL #79][ACCEPTED] Adan: non-profit fighting for sound crypto regulation


Du nouveau sur ce recrutement ?

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No report since May.


how to waste 8000 Atoms in an instant


ça devrait nous servir de leçon.

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Diplomatically support for the proposal that was on ground. Meanspirited stronger all successfully teams membership. I like working with luckily people. Yes i vote and accept. But I don’t know what some people gonna to be thinking apart from own my ideas.

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Dear members of the Cosmos community,

TL/DR: After a year of research and dozens of interviews to find the adequate profile, Adan will onboard its EU Policy Officer in October. The Association will also open a department in Brussels to bring the voice of Web3 players directly to EU institutions. Adan warmly thanks the Cosmos community for its crucial support, its patience and its understanding.

First of all, we would like like to say that we did not expect that this recruitment would take so long. Finding someone with the appropriate profile (lawyer / public affairs) and expertise (crypto-assets, related regulations) having the crucial European connections that we need and wishing to join the Association - which appears financially uncompetitive within the ecosystem - was a tough challenge. Obviously our intention was not to fool you but to find the best profile and not recruit the first person we came across.

  • Recruiting a European Policy Officer was a real challenge for our association.

Indeed, managing the European public affairs of a professional association focused on the crypto-asset sector requires finding a rare profile: someone with expertise and passion for Web3, who also has a good address book, knowledge of European institutions (and crypto regulations) and a strong sense of diplomacy. As evident, securing this profile was quite distinct from hiring a traditional EU Policy Officer where candidates are more readily available.

This recruitment required us to carry out direct prospecting (following an unsuccessful public job offer, as the profiles were not up to the level of what we were looking for) by going directly to contact certain collaborators of “pro-crypto” members of the European Parliament. We interviewed dozens of candidates before finding the right profile.

This had to be coordinated within the constraints of our association: a small but very busy team of fivelacking dedicated human resources staff. This prompted us to collaborate with a recruitment agency to identify the suitable candidate.

  • In the meantime, despite this difficult recruitment, Adan actively participated in EU debates related to crypto-asset and Web 3 players.

You will find here a one-page summary of all the work we have ve carried out since the grant application and which benefits the Cosmos ecosystem.

In addition, we are pleased to provide you with our latest activity report, which gives an overview of our activities over the past year - you can consult it here.

Adan is a young professional body growing thanks to your crucial help and the decisive support of our members.

Adan has been in existence for three years now, and has been instrumental in helping to create more appropriate regulations for the Web3 sector. This long-term work (as aforementioned) is necessary for everyone, and has enabled us to gain the trust of many players you probably know - check them out here.

We hope you can empathize with our challenging situation. From now on, you’ll find below a detailed report on our Europeanization and the arrival of the profile we were looking for in this grant.

For your long standing support, your patience, your understanding: thank you very much.

All the best,

The Adan team


Our new “EU Policy Officer” has been based in Brussels for several years. She is intimately familiar with the European institutions, having worked within them for over three years.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in law, followed by a master’s in European studies from one of the top universities in Europe, she expanded her professional background by collaborating with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. She then worked at public affairs specialized firms before joining the European Parliament as a parliamentary assistant (MEP) to a deputy specialized in cryptocurrency, well-known within the community. She particularly worked on European regulations, including Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation (MiCA).

We are convinced that her grasp of the issues, her in-depth knowledge of regulatory texts, her professional network, and her passion for this new asset class make her a major asset for our association and for the entire industry.

Following her onboarding, we will present to you a detailed plan of the strategy we intend to deploy at the European Union level.


To support the Association in its European integration and its closer ties with European institutions, our new associate will be based in Brussels. This will ensure continuous representation, thereby strengthening our mission to advocate for industry stakeholders.

In anticipation of the opening of our representation office, for which administrative procedures have already begun, we have chosen a wage portage solution in partnership with the Deel company. This approach guarantees a strong connection with our new associate while setting up a Belgian entity that will, in the long run, officially incorporate her.

Furthermore, this Belgian entity will enable us to expand our activities in the country and allow the current team to travel to Brussels on a regular basis.

Our new recruit will take up her post at the end of October 2023 (due to her notice period).

How much?
Gross annual salary: 80,000 euros
Government tax and social contributions: 19,200
13 & 14 months: 13,333 euros
Recruitment agency: 9,750 euros
Wage portage solution: 5,988 euros

Total : 128,271 euros
*We include in this amount the costs corresponding solely to Belgian legal and compulsory provisions. Benefits such as luncheon vouchers, health insurance, travel, etc. are not included.

If you’d like a more direct exchange, we can arrange a Q&A session to discuss our missions in greater detail, and the strategy we have set to capitalize on the grant you’ve awarded us. If needed, contact us: faustine.fleuret@adan.eu

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guy is back to panhandle

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Honestly, I don’t think this was a good idea. A French industry association dipping its feet into Brussels and hiring a non-senior policy officer who has some past contacts at the EP - which will hold how well given the elections are coming in 2024? We’re not going to see anything tangible from this. Again, I’d suggest joining an established EU-focused association.

We can still stop spending money on what is not bringing any value to the hub. Just my 5 cents. Lets talk again in 1 year

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Hi everyone!

I´m Adriana Torres Vergara, the new EU Policy Officer of ADAN. I´m very happy to greet you :slight_smile:

I´m thrilled to have joined the association at this key time when the European Union and the French regulator are committed to setting up comprehensive rules aimed at regulating the Web3 industry.

From my experience working with Public Institutions, I can confirm how difficult it is to set up standards for the ecosystem. The space is being regulated for the first time, so legislators often lack experience and technical knowledge, and some are driven by prejudices and misunderstandings.

I often say to policymakers: Web3 is not a hype. Although hit by recent collapses, digital assets and the technologies that underpin them continue to have an enormous potential to transform our lives and our economies across all sectors.

Policymakers should not confuse market fluctuations or bad actors with the potential use cases of digital assets and DLT technologies. But indeed, recent events and misconceptions can be reflected in the industry´s reputation and this could be particularly risky at the regulatory process level.

The ecosystem continues to grow and legislation shall not prohibit and prevent this from happening.

Regulations shall be flexible, to allow innovation and the market to develop. The proportionality principle must be preserved to not negatively impact companies and citizens that are bonafide. Consumers’ options and choices shall be respected, and regulation shall not limit them. I´m convinced that appropriate consumer protection and requirements will contribute to building up the industry’s reputation.

That´s why is so important to be active in the whole regulatory process cycle. The industry has to be persistent to build its reputation and to continue to engage with rule-makers first to help them understand the benefits and uses of Web3 but also to support them in shaping regulations.

I believe that with a permanent representation in Paris and Brussels, the association is in a unique position to do this! As a reminder, Adan is a European Association (the first one), with 200 members, 3 of them are also part of the Cosmos ecosystem (Dokia Capital, Ki Foundation and Interop Ventures).

I think it would be great if Adan and Cosmos could collaborate. We are currently planning very exciting projects and we will soon share more details with you.

In the meantime, we would like to discuss the possibility of implementing a Cosmos´s representation hub at Adan to make you part of our discussions on Regulation for DeFi. Likewise, we would also love to set up solid joint initiatives at a European level.

I would be more than happy to hear from you. Please reach me out!


About myself: I am experienced in Political Intelligence and Public Affairs, having worked in International Organizations, Public Bodies and Consultancies in Europe and in Latin America delivering strategic analysis and Public Affairs counsel.

Prior to ADAN, I worked in the financial services practice of an international American consultancy working with a number of key players from the crypto and digital finance industry on developing and implementing their public policy strategies at EU and national level.

Previously I worked at the European Parliament where I served at Renew Europe’s MEP Ondrej Kovarik office, where I provided policy support principally in the field of Economic and Monetary Affairs. My main policy focus was Digital Finance, having delivered advisory work in the field of Crypto regulation. In the European Parliament, I also served at the Renew Europe Secretariat for the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs. I studied Law and hold a Master’s Degree in International Studies from the University of Barcelona.

any interesting results since November? :upside_down_face:

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Dear @Kwaskoff, and Dear Comos community,

Thank you very much for your follow-up. We are currently engaged in significant deadlines that require a lot of our time, thus pushing back some of our activities. Nevertheless, we hope that you will take the time to read the report on our actions carried out since November 2023 at the European level.

We would like to remind you that we are fully available to organize a meeting via Zoom, at your convenience, to discuss in more detail our recent accomplishments and to explore how we might include members of your community in our future projects.

Best regards,


Dear Cosmos community,

Every year Adan organises the Web 3 Leaders Forum.

This year, our event will take place on Wednesday 10 July in Brussels (Sparks Meeting, Rue Ravenstein 60, 1000 Brussels).

Each year, the W3LF brings together around 500 people - native Web 3 and crypto-currency players, traditional businesses, public decision-makers, investors, academics and media - for a day of conferences and meetings to discuss the main issues and challenges for the development of the Web 3 industry in Europe.

We’d be happy to offer to the Cosmos community two speaking slots on the “Web 3 in real life” Track so that you can highlight your use cases.

Don’t hesitate to get back to me asap if you’re interested.

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Hey there,
If the slots are still available, I’d like to take one and help you coordinate another, on behalf of the Atom Accelerator DAO

DM’ing you my telegram handle for quicker comms

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Dear Syed,

I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your enthusiasm to speak at our event.

To organize your participation, please fill out this form: Select Language - Web3 in Real Life 2024. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,